Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 3 Post Op

I am officially at the end of my 3rd day post op gastric lap banding. Thank you Lord, because this liquid diet phase cannot be over too soon.

Broth = Nasty.
Isopure Protein Drinks = Boring.
Popsicles = Sickeningly Sweet.

I want to chew food. I miss chewing food! At this point, I am just looking forward to starting full liquids on Friday.

Honestly, this has been an eye-opener to what a close and dear friend food has been to me. What I eat has consciously and sub-consciously been the center of my universe. More important than, What am I going to do today? has been What am I going to eat today?

So in many ways I am in mourning. I am in mourning for the only way of life I have known for the past 13 years.

Soon, very soon, I will be awakening to a new me, and I will be rejoicing!

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